About Us

We're Students at

Harvey Mudd

Claremont McKenna




The Claremont Consortium

Leadership Team

The heads of
Product Space @ Claremont

Eileen is a junior at Scripps College pursuing a BA in Cognitive Science at Pomona College concentrating in Computer Science + AI through Harvey Mudd College.

Eileen Kang

Josh is a junior at CMC studying Economics and Data Science. He has previously worked in both Product Management and Venture Capital.

Joshua Zhou

Mriganka is  senior at Scripps college studying Cognitive Science and Computer Science. She was previously a PM intern at NextSense.

Mriganka Singh

Amanda is a Robert Day Scholar at CMC studying economics. Previously, she worked at EA as a Product Management Intern and is currently working at Yahoo!

Amanda Dee

Ian is a Kleiner Perkins Fellow and senior studying philosophy and data science. Previously, he worked at Intuit as a Product Management Intern. Ian is currently on leaving studying interaction design and creative computing at University of The Arts London.

Ian Baime

Leo is a senior at CMC majoring in data science and economics. Leo has previously worked in venture capital, product management and consulting.

Léo Biragnet

Armin is a sophomor at CMC studying Science Managment (Neuroscience + Economics) and Computer Science. He is also product engineer intern at LMNT.

Armin Hamrah

Milan is a sophomore at CMC studying Economics an Data Science. She has previously worked in both PM and UI/UX.

Milan Manfredi

Zain is a sophomore at CMC studying Economics and Philosophy. He's experienced in both Finance as well as Product Management.

Zain Vakath

Where we've worked

Product Space @ Claremont's hires

Ready to talk?

Feel free to reach out